Monday, September 8, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook - 9/8/08

For Today...

Outside my's just beginning to get light out, the roosters are chasing each other around the yard...I love this time of morning!

I am thinking...that I feel really bad for sleeping in this morning and not helping Ryan get off to work...I think he was late.

From the learning rooms...I am considering changing up my plans for the year and going with a more child-led approach.

I am thankful hubby who finished painting and getting all the trim up in our living room...and then helped me clean it and get it looking really nice!

From the kitchen...I need to make banana bread this morning.

I am wearing...sweatpants and a t-shirt...I just woke up.

I am reading...Clean Eating magazine, Summer 2008 ed.

I am hoping...that Benjamin has a much better week than last week and finally beats this pneumonia.

I am creating...a series of blog posts for this week called "Going Organic", Part 1 is nearly ready for today

I am fans and cartoons

Around the house...Jack and Benjamin are sound asleep, Addy is my early riser and has to have her oatmeal and Qubo cartoons first thing in the morning

One of my favorite not having any plans for the day, just taking it as it comes and enjoying every moment!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The planning and shopping, clean my desk, finish some projects and finally get Jack in for his 4 month well-baby appointment

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Have a blessed day!

'Til next time...



Anonymous said...

Hi Brandi, what time do you get up? It says 4:16 beside the post but that time doesn't always coinside with your real time. I am usually up by 4:20 most mornings. Wish it was to feed chickens or something, but no I have to go to work for 6 and I walk so I leave at 5:30. I like mornings A time when everything is still and new. Have a blessed day.

Sweet Woodruff said...

I've had to do the child led approad with my son. He forced me into this several years ago and I'm so glad we did.

Blessings to you.

Unknown said...

Hi Debylin! Ha! No...I did not get up that early! I'm usually up around 6 to get hubby off to work, but this morning it was more like 6:30. My clock must be wrong...wonder how to fix it? Thanks for pointing that out!


Sandra said...

Great daybook :)

Hope Benjamin feels better!

My Daybook

Michelle said...

I've been reading your blog for a while..but I'm curious about these posts. Where did this idea come from? Could I use it on my blog and link back to you?

Pamela said...

Hope you were able to start school today. I think we should all change our "From the learning rooms" entry to "From the ever-changing learning rooms", don't you? I'm constantly thinking of something different I'd like to do with DD and figuring out how to slot it into the schedule!

Hope Benjamin has recovered. Have a great week.

Aisling said...

Looking at my bananas I might have to make banana bread tomorrow, that or toss them in the composter.

Hill upon Hill said...

Nice to read some more about your day.