Sunday, November 23, 2008

Silent Sundays ~ 11/23/08

Silent Sundays

artwork by Heather

About this meme:
It's all about pictures! I love to see other people's photo albums! So, Silent Sundays is a way that we can visit each other and see lots of great photos!

How to participate: Create a post on your blog with 3-5 (or more!) of your favorite photos from the past week (or from another time if you'd like)! Then, "steal" the button above and add it to the top of your post. Link the button back here to my Silent Sundays blog post. Then, sign the Mr. Linky so I know to come visit you...and others can visit you, too! You can make your post "silent" if you'd like, or you can "say" as much as you want, it's your "album", so just have fun with it!

Looking forward to visiting with you today!


Some new kid pics

Have a blessed Sunday!



Anonymous said...

Brandi, I love the pictures of your little ones! I see such a sweet spirit in your son, Benjamin. And your daughter has the most gorgeous blue eyes...and, as for Jack, I just want to squeeze those cute chubby cheeks! You've been blessed with a lovely family.

Serial Mommy said...

i didn't steal the button because i keep thinking it is later than it is and my mind isn't quite sure how to do it all right now...i did put my name at the bottom though...

Anonymous said...

In that picture, Jackson looks like Mac on "Mac and Me"...remember that movie? Hahaha.

Love you guys!
<3 Haley